Sharing a Ride Just Got Easier!
With smartphone apps being developed at a rapid pace, there are many new tools available to help you find rideshare partners. Whether you are driving and want to earn a few dollars or looking for a ride, options are out there to make it easy and convenient to meet your neighbors and share your commute. Stay safe with these recommendations from 511.
Carpooling saves you time and money, and it is a great way to improve air quality and address climate change issues in our community. The Marin Commutes Rewards platform helps you to find partners, calculate your savings in both dollars and carbon emissions, and gives you a chance to win prizes! Find out more about Marin Commutes Rewards here.
There is also app-based software to help you share the ride. Many are able to connect with your Marin Commutes Rewards account and can automatically log your trips! Check out the App Store on your smartphone for carpool-matching options like Waze and Scoop that can help you catch a ride with your neighbor. To learn more, click here.
Park & Ride: Need to meet up with a carpool? You can park your car for free and connect with a carpool going your way. There are numerous Park & Ride lots in Marin and the greater Bay Area. To find out more, visit 511’s Park and Ride lot map.
Vanpooling saves time, money, and wear and tear on your personal vehicle as well as lets you relax on the way to and from work. A vanpool typically consists of seven to 15 people and generally is best suited for those who work a set daily schedule and live 15 miles or more from work.
If you are interested in starting a vanpool, click here for more information. You can also call 511 and say “Rideshare,” and a representative will help you. If you’d like to join a vanpool already operating in Marin, you can check the Bay Area Vanpool Program seats available list to find drivers that are looking for new riders.
Check out TAM’s $3,600 vanpool incentive to start vanpooling today!
Worried about being stranded? We’ve got you covered. Click here to learn more about TAM’s Emergency Ride Home program.