Emergency Ride Home Program

Relax When You Leave Your Car at Home!
When you walk, bike, carpool, or take transit to work or college in Marin County, the Transportation Authority of Marin will provide you a ride home when unexpected situations arise. By removing one of the biggest hurdles for commuters, this insurance program offers the peace of mind that you won’t be stranded without your car.
How the Program Works
- Eligibility: You are eligible to be reimbursed for an emergency ride home if you work or attend college in Marin County and commute by any means other than driving alone.
- Conditions: If an unexpected situation arises (e.g. child is sick, bike got a flat tire, carpool partner left early, need to work late), you can be reimbursed for an expeditious ride home via taxi, Uber, Lyft, or equivalent transportation service by simply submitting a reimbursement request.
- Process: Submit this form for reimbursement.
Each commuter can be reimbursed for up to four ERH trips per year. No single trip can exceed $125 and total reimbursement may not exceed $500 per year.
Work or attend school in another county?
Marin’s Emergency Ride Home program is only available to those who work or attend school in Marin County. If you commute to another Bay Area county, you can find the “Emergency Ride Home” or “Guaranteed Ride Home” programs for other counties at 511.org.